"Scott helped me not only to accept my questions and journey, but to grow to love myself through the process. He creates a space where I can rest and sink into a depth of understanding of the world, others, and myself that I have rarely found elsewhere. He helped me bring together those things in my life that seem at odds with one another, and learn to delight in the complexities of who I am... even when it doesn't make sense quickly." John, ordained minister and activist "I want to thank you for your compassion and willingness to aid me along my journey. Your wisdom spoke volumes to my heart planting seeds I look forward to seeing grow. By talking to you I have increased my self-worth and have learned the value of not settling. You have opened my eyes to the many possibilities God as for my life by reminding me to be clear and to simply ask him." Bob, clinical counselor
"Scott has a wise and gentle spirit. His keen insights into the practice of spiritual direction have helped me to feel more confident as I meet with people seeking God in this sacred space. Scott uses his own experience and training to ensure that I notice new ways to serve anyone coming to see me for spiritual direction. He nudges me forward with encouragement so that I can diligently dig deeper into any encounter, and move beyond the superficial to see where God is working and where a person is experiencing deep emotion, truly listening to the heart as well as the words of each person I meet. I recommend Scott as a spiritual director and supervisor to anyone serious about growing closer to God in this practice." Rick, spiritual director
"Scott's capacity for presence and acceptance makes him a teacher of love and compassion. He always challenges me to look deeper for the unfolding gift of the moment in myself and others." Hannah, board member of a large hospital system
"Thank you for providing some solace and spiritual food when the Spirit wasn't being felt. You really helped me maintain a sense of spirituality, though it had neared the point of non-existence at times, and I'm grateful. To this day I still use the term "great-fullness", in my prayers, etc. and I'm very grateful that you were the one God brought to me in my time of need." Alan, legal profession
"During my inspirational walk this morning, the first of its kind on a working day (thanks to your enchanted therapy) I thought of you...your kindness, friendship, and transforming therapy." Trang, hypnotherapist
"Working with Scott, whether in a group or one on one is a unique and healing experience. He truly meets you where you are on your life's path towards a greater understanding of self and spirituality." Val, artist/photographer
"When it comes to life, Scott Quinn is someone with depth perception. He listens down into the heart of things with great care and love, helping others to hear their own voices and to find their true path. He is a valued colleague and friend with a nimble mind, a delightful sense of humor, and a generous and gracious spirit." Nancy, director of hospice volunteer services
"Scott has a compasionate, caring presence that is truly healing. His skill of deep listening creates safety to be whomever I am in the moment. His inquiries and metaphors help me to see beyond my current situation or state to a space beyond, a space of possibilities. The way he reflects back to me lands in my center as true and meaningful. He holds the energy in a positive way for me to rise to be a better me. I am truly blessed and grateful to have Scott Quinn in my life. Thank you Scott for all that you do, and even more importantly, all that you are." Janice, spiritual explorer
"Scott has a wealth of skills for dealing with what ever life delivers. He has helped me approach my life long battle with anxiety and depression in group and one on one settings. His care, attention and professionalism is unparalleled in my experience. I am blessed to have Scott in my life." Jane, artist/graphic designer
"Scott’s classes and programs are very well thought out and prepared so that I found them interesting and challenging at the same time. His presence and ability to listen is a wonderful gift he shares with us. Thank you for sharing your gifts." Phyllis, volunteer with the homeless
"I really appreciated your program, as usual. There is such care and thought put into your presentations, such deliberate intentions. As a trainer, I appreciate the prep and flow, but as a participant, I can relax and enjoy the process. I often come in with something on the tip of my soul, and your programs in particular seem to draw it out. Maybe it is those crayons!" Julie, state employee and educator
"I just really like Scott. His presence is enough to give me tranquility. I'm serious." Angela, clinical assistant
"This class came at at time in my life when I was very disconnected, sad, disillusioned and disappointed. Each week opened my heart more. I am so thankful for Scott's patient guidance." Beverly, banker
"Scott seems to regularly (uncanny, isn't it?) hit upon an issue I am dealing with personally. He must read my journals!" Jim, chaplain
"The support and compassion and nonjudgmental kindness are a consistent relief and reminder to slow down and maintain my mindful focus on my utmost goal of always providing the best care I possibly can to my patients and maintain balance in my life in order to do so. This program has truly assisted me in so many ways in my personal life to help me create priority, perspective, self-care as a standard practice of my everyday. I am a more mindful, calm, gentler person when I am able to be reminded by this program and Scott to take a step back, stay mindful and nonjudgmental." Sabrina, social worker
"Our photography class has become a constant memory and has changed the way I view the world." Kim, photographer
"The class was really good for me and I wish I had participated in such a group when I was going through treatment--it would have been such a welcome relief to be in fellowship with others who 'get it'. Your leadership and calm spirit were a big part of what I enjoyed so much about the class and I wanted you to know that." Linda, Licensed Professional Counselor and cancer survivor
"You don’t know how much you have affected my emotions and brought me back to myself with these small tips you shared in this lecture. I am very thankful to you for showing me the light which is helping me to see the other side of a dark cave...I just needed someone like you to show me my path back and a little push to go back to my real life and enjoy it like I used to. Thank you again for letting me share this with you. This lecture has changed my life, and I am awake and I can see lots with the same eyes and mind. Thank you again, I appreciate you a lot." Nelofar, hospital case manager
"I wanted to thank you for facilitating the wonderful session yesterday. It somehow allowed me to begin, again, the process of caring for myself (so I can continue to care for others)!" Diane, nursing administration
"[Scott's classes] give me time to get away and review/change attitudes toward my time-sensitive projects and co-workers. I go back with a new attitude and renewed energy. It's the bomb!" Karen, administrative assistant
"Scott Rocks!! Thank you soooo much! You give me a break from the stress and tension of my job. I come back to work relaxed and able to face the day in peace. I take our handouts home and use them daily." Amanda, clinical assistant
"[Scott's class] is a haven in the midst of chaos! A place to calm the spirit and renew energy to help patients in the best way. It helps me center on purpose and put balance in my life." Betty, clinical nursing manager
"Scott consistently presents material that is though-provoking and relevant...My heart feels lighter, and I feel a renewed sense of optimism. I take that home with me and am able to find greater joy with my family." Nicole, social worker
"Reminds me each month that I'm working for something far greater than the four walls of my office...has given me tools to be less judgmental and also have gratitude." Barbara, health information management
"Every time I have returned to my work fully nourished - body and soul - with renewed energy and outlook, with hope and promise. Many times I discuss that day's topic with my husband, and even though we are close, it never fails to bring us closer - teaching us more about ourselves." Patricia, administrative assistant
"As a social worker, my days are spent with people experiencing physical, mental, emotional challenges and opening myself to share that burden and empower people to overcome those challenges. [Scott's classes] help me to refill my cup with the capacity to continue in my work. I have time to breathe, reflect, and check in with myself, which I don't always do on my own." Kelsey, social worker