
The Mind is Like a Fox Terrier

"I have nothing to do with this talking. It is just like the sparrows chirping."  Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, translated by Prasanna

Below is a haiku inspired by the the quote above and by this photo of Cowboy, our Fox Terrier. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo or reflect on the passage about the nature of the mind and the chatter it generates. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Mind's chatter is like

A Fox Terrier: always

Seeking attention.

What Is the Sound of One Poppy Blooming?

These Orange Chiffon Poppies burst into sight through every other foliage in the garden, yet the bloom only lasts one day. Splendor is always in the moment and transitory, whether it be a poppy or a human lifetime. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

 Is this the sunrise

Or its reflection? Gazing

Softly, they are one. 



Above is a photo I took yesterday of a curious sign of life on our dormant Full Moon Maple Tree. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.) Below the haiku, is another view of the greenery on the maple tree.

A mobile leaf greens

Its way up a barren twig:

Glorious masquerade.

P.S. If you or someone you know are in need of a ceremony (wedding, memorial service, etc.), please see my new Ceremonies page.



Above is a photo I took during my morning meditation walk. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Shadowy imprints

From fallen leaves after their

Brief time in the sun.

Nicotina Mutabilis

This is the Nicotina Mutabilis, a flowering tobacco plant. The name mutabilis literally means changing. It's mutable. Each blossom begins as a white cloudbursts that shifts to a blushing pink and deepens to a lusty rose. This lovely plant reminds me that I have a constant choice in life. I can greet uninvited change with resistance, blame and judgment. Or, once I pass through the unpleasant feelings, I can accept change for what it is: inevitable. It's neither personal nor unfair. It simply is the way of things.

I admit that my obsession with how life "should have been" has kept me stuck. I've often looked at life through the rearview mirror of resentment and victimhood. Today I choose acceptance, and I'm primed...not for passivity...but for moving forward here and now. I notice the changing pigments of my life and relish the subtle hues of this moment.

Nicotina shifts:

White. Pink. Red. Spinning beauty

Out of constant change.

Kitties on the Savannah: A Haiku

Here is a photo I took of our two cats, Jezebel and Beebee, lazing in the backyard (the savannah) underneath Mexican Bamboo. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Savannah kitties...

Zen, docile, they purrrrrrrrrrr with love: 

"Come close little bird."

P.S. Would you like six months of free spiritual direction/spiritual guidance? In order to complete the spiritual direction certificate program I'm taking, I need to offer six hour-long sessions at no charge. Please contact me if you or someone you know is interested. For more information, check out my page on spiritual guidance.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World: A Haiku

Here is a photo I took of our fox terrier, Cowboy, reigning as top pet in the house. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

I rule this house. Snarl

At dogs; bite cats; it's hard work!

You can pet me now.

P.S. If you or someone you know has lost a pet, please join us for a night to remember and celebrate the lives of our animal companions this Wednesday, April 3 in San Rafael, California. For more details, go to the Classes webpage.

Supernova Cat: A Haiku

Here is a photo I took recently of our beloved cat Bebe. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Luxurious fur

Clothes supernova halo

That is Life Itself.   

P.S. If you or someone you know has lost a pet, please join us for a night to remember and celebrate the lives of our animal companions on Wednesday, April 3 in San Rafael, California. For more details, go to the Classes webpage.

Mountain Labyrinth: A Haiku

Here is a photo I took of a labyrinth in Fairfax, California with a view of Mount Tamalpais ("The Sleeping Lady") in the distance. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please share a haiku that comes to you as you view the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Mountain calls: "Higher!"

"More!" But I come full circle

And find heights within.  

Starfish: A Haiku

Here is a photo I took last week of a starfish washed up on Tennessee Beach just after high tide here in Marin County, California. After spending a few moments admiring its shape, solidity, color, and texture, I tossed it back into the ocean, wishing life and renewal for us both. Below is a haiku inspired by the photo. Please feel free to share any haiku that comes to you as you sit with the photo. (A traditional haiku is 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables.)

Fallen from the sea,

A starfish rhumbas across

sand, yearning for home. 

P.S. Join us on Saturday, December 1 for a day retreat in which we will focus on the following question: “What is the divine to me now, how has that changed and how is this meaningful to my life today?” For more information and to register, visit the Classes page.