
Photography by any other name...

“A great many people are aware that in some mysterious way photography is a kind of religion for them. They wouldn’t express it that way, of course, nor would they equate photography with, say, Christianity, Buddhism or Vedanta. Nonetheless, it has come closer to being a religion than anything else they’ve ever had…It doesn’t matter whether or not you think you’re religious. You can be an avowed atheist or agnostic. Nonetheless, if you use photography (or any other art) in certain ways, it becomes a true practice of religion.”

Ralph Hattersley in Discover Your Self through Photography

An essential skill in our development as human beings is the ability to recognize the sacred within the ordinary. One way to strengthen this ability is through the practice of “mindful photography”. Through the lens of a camera, we can observe and take informal snapshots of ordinary objects at home, at work, in nature, around the neighborhood, in fact, anywhere we go. Reflecting on the sense of presence, wonder, or connection that arises while taking and reviewing the photos can open us to a a more mindful way of experiencing the world around us, whether or not we have a camera in hand.

Please explore the photos on my website. I also invite you to view and share photos and comments on the Mindful Photography Forum I created on Flickr:http://www.flickr.com/groups/1732735@N21/